Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Seventy-Sixth Entry

March 15th, 2037


Dear Space Diary.

She didn’t just do that.

She did NOT just do that.

Mary has stolen my spaceship, and is going to use it to fly to Earth. Leaving me stranded here until rescue arrives. Whenever that is.

Ok, so she’d been stuck here for longer than me. Ok, so she spent 20 years in space, and I spent 5 weeks. Ok, so she spent most of her time thinking she’d never get home at all. So she must have been feeling pretty desperate.

…but it was MY ship! And she took it.


There’s a trail of white smoke from the ship. Up it goes.


And up.


And up.


And… sideways?


And down.


And down.

…I think it’s crashed.

She’s gone and crashed my ship!

She did NOT just do that.


Trying to clamber through the hole in the roof before the smoke dissipates. It’s exactly as hard as it looked from the ground, but I’m about halfway up. Being in a spacesuit doesn’t help. These gloves aren’t actually made for gripping. I’m not sure what they are made for, but gripping is not it.


Almost… urgh…


And up.

…This is the first time I’ve been outside on the surface of Splat in a very long time. Lost track of the time I spent in the rubbish pile, the tube, and then the city.

It’s still pink.

The smoke trail is getting pretty faint, but I’m fairly certain it was… that way.

I think.


Jump down from the roof was pretty frightening, but I had no time to climb down. Didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. Let’s hear it for low gravity.

Making it pretty hard to run though. That and a bulky spacesuit, anyway.

Less whinging. Just run.


The trail is almost gone. I’ve got to hurry. It should theoretically be in a straight line, but if she veered off at the last moment I’m not sure I’ll know where to look.


Getting pretty tired. I’ve been running for about 20 minutes, which is more than I’ve run in one go since… well kind of ever.

Seems a very long way. How far can an interstellar space ship have gone?

Don’t answer that.


Just keep WHEEZE running.


Just WHEEZE keep WHEEZE running.




Ok, I have to stop. Have to stop. Catch my breath. Just… give me a…


I appear to have fallen over.

I think I’ll lie here for a while.


Ok, starting to feel like my lungs aren’t replaced with cheese graters anymore.


Managed to stand up and everything. Take THAT, physical fitness!

Problem is: the smoke is completely gone now. And I can only just see the dome of the city back the way I came.

How am I ever going to find… oh.

Turns out it’s easy.

I just need to head for the flames.

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