April 9th, 2037
Dear Space Diary
I’m in my room, going over some star charts. This has everything to do with the importance of finding a planet for the Zubrin to orbit around. It’s important work. Vital work. Potentially lifesaving work. If we can get the Zubrin in orbit around a suitable planet of a similar size to Marysvilletopia, we may be able to fool NASA’s systems into thinking it is Marysvilletopia. Instead of thinking Marysvilletopia is Marysvilletopia. So I’m in my room, working hard in peace so I can save some lives. I’m a hero.
Can I come out yet?
Also, Mary might have locked me in here.
Which is entirely unfair. It’s not my fault that the clones were two hours late for their next report. They could have been dead. The pod could have blown up while they were messing with the engines. A lightdog could have malfunctioned and lasered them to death. Bobo could have given them rabies.
But of course they were fine. They were late because the rocks were heavy and it took longer than expected to load them.
The rocks. Were heavy. Yes, their excuse is gravity. I could have pointed out that the gravity on Marysvilletopia is much lighter than on Earth so they’ve no excuse. And I did. Several times. And then gave them a detailed lecture on the importance of keeping to schedule and making sure we don’t fall behind. The end result of which was that the lecture took up the entire meeting, we couldn’t keep to the schedule, and now we’ve fallen behind.
Bet they won’t be late next time though.
I’ve found a planet.
“Which one?”
Can I come out yet?”
“Which planet?”
X-17 by FFG-3. Fourth from the sun.
“Hang on. Just checking.”
Let me out!
“Ssh. Ok, yes that looks good. Nice work. I’m unlocking the door.”
Freedom! Beautiful, glorious freedom!
“I can lock you back in there, you know.”
I’ll be good.
“The planet’s good, thank you.”
It’s just one they prepared earlier. But I have a question. How is that going to stop then finding Marysvilletopia? They already know where it is. Surely they’ll just ignore this one and keep going?
“Ah ha, I’ve thought of that. You’re right. They won’t be able to use the autopilot, it’ll home in on one of our many scattered signals. But they do still have their star charts. They can get here manually. It’ll be much trickier, but it’s possible, if they’re determined enough.”
So the problem is the star charts.
“Right. We can’t mess with them from here. But I have a plan.”
Do tell.
“We go back to Earth. And we steal them.”
Steal the star charts?
“Without the physical star charts, they won’t be able to get there! The clones will be safe. It’s fool proof.”
Is it also bullet proof?
“I’m sure they probably won’t kill us.”
What do you think they’ll do, congratulate us?
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