Monday, May 21, 2012

101st Entry

March 20th, 2037


Dear Space Diary.

Mary is everywhere.

The lightdogs have dug a pit, built a… well, a cloning station, and filled it with Marys.

Lots of Marys.

They don’t seem to be a doing a lot. Maybe they’re dead. Maybe they’re not yet alive. Maybe they’ve never been alive.


Or maybe they’re just asleep.


This pit must go down for at least a mile. I tried counting all the different… I don’t know what to call them. Vats? Beds? Cloning facilitation chambers? Baths? Anyway, I gave up after 10.

No, I can count further than 10, there just didn’t seem much point after that, as I only had another several thousand to go. And there are probably better things to do with my time.

Suffice to say, there’s a lot of them. All floating in some kind of blue goo. They’re tethered by (unless I’m much mistaken) the same feeding and um… anti-feeding tubes that I myself used in my spaceship. They still tend to bob around in the goo though, making them look like really, really disturbing lava lamps.

Also, before imagination runs away with itself, they are all fully clothed. Sorry, imagination.


Taking a closer look at one of them. Definitely asleep. Snoring.

And drooling slightly. Which is a little odd given the goo. Since she’s snoring, I’ll assume she’s breathing comfortably. Unless the goo is causing the snoring, which is entirely possible.

If this was a horror movie, her eyes would burst open at this point and she’d start screaming.


Oh wake up.


That did it. Her eyes have flicked open. She’s staring straight at me. Her eyes are widening. Here comes are the scream.

Nothing. Maybe she can’t scream.

“I’m confused, why would I want to scream?”

Er, because this is a terrifying situation?

“Is it? I wouldn’t know. It all seems more interesting than terrifying. Whee!”

…ok. Aren’t you concerned about being in a tank?

“Should I be? I thought it was normal.”

It most definitely isn’t.

“Well, I hope you don’t take offense at this, but there’s thousands of us in tanks, and only one of you out of a tank. You’re a bit of a fish out of water really. Freak.”

I can’t really argue against that.


Although I REALLY want to.

“Don’t. It’s nice talking to someone. Those robot things don’t say anything. Just float on by and occasional build something. They’re pretty dull.”

You know everyone else here is a clone of you?

“Oh not of me silly. I’m a clone just like the rest. We’re all a clone of Mary.”

Yeah, she’s back at the city.

“Oh did she leave? That’s a shame. We had a nice talk this morning. Then she went downstairs.”

I’m going to go find her.


Thanks for chatting. I hope it wasn’t too tiring.

“What do you mean?”

The goo. On your vocal cords. You sound like a dolphin.

“You sound like a moron.”

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