Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sixteenth Entry

February 25th, 2037


Dear Space Diary.

NASA have informed they’ve started turning the ship in preparation for the crash. Seems a bit early to me. However with the speeds I’m travelling at, they need to be very careful that I simply don’t ricochet straight off the planet’s atmosphere like some kind of nuclear powered skipping stone and hurtle out into the cosmos in some random direction. Better them than me.


0730 – 9 HOURS

Turning going well, apparently. The planet “Splat” is now visible in the distance. It looks… pink?

Seriously NASA? Out of all the planets you could have picked, you have to go for pink?

For future reference, my favourite colour is blue.

0830 – 8 HOURS

NASA have informed me that the only two other options were a planet composed entirely of molten metal and a curiously swamp covered planet, that looked quite lovely but also had an atmosphere consisting mainly of lead.

They debated sending me there anyway so I could take samples of the swamp in the few minutes before I died, but in the end the pink planet won the final round of elimination.

0930 – 7 HOURS

Apparently rock beat scissors.

1030 – 6 HOURS

Planet quite close now. It’s still pink, but I’m starting to be able to see some mountain formations. It looks quite flat towards the top, which is good, because that’s where I’m heading.

1130 – 5 HOURS

Update from NASA, due to a calculation error they’re not going to be able to hit the landing zone they picked, the ship would overshoot. Redirecting to a new potential landing site. I’m to await further instructions.

1230 – 4 HOURS

Still no word on NASA regarding new landing site.

1330 – 3 HOURS

Contact from NASA! They’ve found a new location they can steer me to in time. Course redirections inbound. Entering atmosphere in two hours’ time. They’ve shut off food and tube systems in preparation for landing.

1430 – 2 HOURS

I REALLY need to use the bathroom NASA.

1530 – 1 HOUR

Entering atmosphere.


Ship starting to heat up. Flames are flaring around the outside of the ship. The sound is deafening.


I’m going to die, aren’t I?


Yes. I’m definitely going to die.


I’m through! Into the atmosphere! Maybe I won’t die after all.


Oh that’s right, the ground.


Maybe it won’t -

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