Wednesday, June 20, 2012

123rd Entry

March 21st, 2037


Dear Space Diary

Mary is checking out the controls to make one hundred percent sure she can actually fly this crazy thing. We will then go down to the clones and ask them what they’d like to do.

Which leaves me in an empty spaceship with a dog so well trained he disobeys every order I give it.


Be quiet, Bobo.




Make noise!

Stupid Bobo.


You heard me.


Ok, let’s test this theory.

Mary has indeed eaten all the apples, but I found a kiwi fruit. Hopefully that won’t splat too much.

Ok, here goes.

Bobo! Fetch the kiwi fruit!

Nothing. He’s just staring me.


Let’s try again.

Don’t fetch the ball, Bobo!


…Thank you.

Bobo: Don’t sit!



So what I have, is a dog so well trained he disobeys every order I give it, to the point of doing the exact opposite of whatever I say.

Meaning, reverse psychology actually works.




Bobo, don’t make me a sandwich!

Wow. I feel bad now. Bobo ran into the kitchen, attempted to open the fridge, couldn’t, and now is sitting on the floor whining.

…I think I broke him.

Bobo, make me a sandwich!


That’s better.

Bobo is actually quite a clever. For a dog.


For anyone.




Good boy.


“Right, we’re good. Controls are nice and easy. And the FTL drive, to my best guess, is actually a little faster than the one in your ship. Plus we wouldn’t be dragging mine, so we should definitely consider… why is the floor covered in bits of kiwi fruit?”

Because you ate all the apples.

“…sure. Anyway, we need to make a decision. Or rather, the clones do. If they want to come back to Earth, this is the ship we take. If they want to stay, then you and I have a conversation to have.”

Agreed.  Shall we?

“Yep. Let’s go.”

Ok. Bobo! Don’t stay here until I get back!

“Don’t say that! We don’t want him to run off.”

Oh don’t worry, he won’t leave the ship now.

“Why not?”

Reverse psychology.

“You’re quite strange, you know that?”

I’ll take that as a compliment.

“You really shouldn’t.”


“So it comes down to this, my fellow Marys. You can choose. Either return to Earth with us, or stay on Splat with the city. We’ll respect your decision either way. Know that if you go to Earth, you can live any life you want.”

Provided that life involves work, money, and putting the garbage out once a week.

“While here, on Splat, you will be looked after, and cared for by the lightdogs. Food will be in unlimited supply, and you will all live very stable and safe lives. But it will be the only life you can lead.”

Any questions? Yes, 3rd from the back.

“So… this would be like our planet?”


“Can we change the name?”

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