March 22nd, 2037
Dear Space Diary
“Wake up! It’s time for the clones to make their decision.”
“Sleep well?”
The two and half hours that I got were absolutely delightful.
“Why so little?”
Well, first I couldn’t sleep because I had to play fetch with Bobo.
And then I just couldn’t sleep.
“So still a step forward.”
Not really, no.
“Oh well, you can sleep on the way home. Come on, let’s go.”
Don’t wait up, Bobo.
‘Arf’ indeed.
Have you all reached a decision?
Ok, first of all, don’t all speak at the same time. It’s freaky.
Seriously stop it. Mary 3.0, are you happy to speak for the group?
“Sure thing, darling.”
Please don’t call me that.
“Ok, honeybunch”
…And back to darling. And you are all resolute in your decision? Everyone agreed?
“Yes, darling.”
Ok, you know what? No suffixes. What is your decision.
“Sigh, fine. We, the Committee of Liberated and Organised New Entities… that spells CLONE, you know…”
Yes. I know.
“…Have declared that we wish to return to Earth.”
Are you sure?
And you’ve no second thoughts.
And you understand that whoever has hired NASA to create you, has done so for reasons unknown, wants you back, also for reasons unknown? And that, given they sent the ship, they’ll probably be waiting for it when it lands?
“…We have made our decision. We, the Committee of Liberated and Organised New Entities would like to stay here, on Marysvilletopia.”
Who came up with the name?
“It was a group effort.”
It shows.
Argh, don’t do that!
“Ok, we’re done, and we’ve made a decision.”
Are you coming back to Earth?
Are you staying here?
It can’t be both.
“Sure it can. We took a vote. We decided that even though we all come from Mary, and all share memories and appearance, we are still individuals. We deserve to be treated as individuals.”
“Meaning we are all free to choose for ourselves. We are all free to be… well, us.”
That’s very… human of you.
“Thank you. We thought so.”
So I guess about half of you will be going to Earth with us?
“Actually no, we’re pretty much all staying.”
…So even after your desire to all be individuals, you’re all going to do the same thing?
“Yes! We all individually decided to do exactly the same thing. Individually. Problem?”
Many. But never mind. So, how many are coming with us?
Just one?
“Only one.”
Mary 2.0? Are you coming with us?
“Actually, I’m thinking I might stay.”
But… you hate it here!
“That was when I lost my family. But since then I’ve had a lot of time to think. Also, I was dead. That kind of changes your perspective. Now I have a new family. And I’m the oldest one here. They need looking after.”
…Then who is coming with us?
“Hello darling!”
Oh no.
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