Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Twenty-Ninth Entry

March 9th, 2037


Dear Space Diary

After 24 hours of sunshine, I have finally managed to get a few hours’ sleep. I’m now wide awake, and it’s night time.

This is a cause of great confusion.

It is however very much daytime where NASA are, and they’re very keen that I go out and get them another rock sample, since I defaced the one I had originally gotten them. Well, defaced is actually almost the opposite of what I did.

In fact, I faced it.

The rock, (hereafter referred to as Mr Rock) is currently sitting on the dashboard, staring at me. It’s actually kind of creepy, but I haven’t the heart to throw him away now that I’ve given him life.

So anyway, instead of a rock with a face, NASA would like go face to face with an unfaced rock from the outside rock face.

That sentence was perhaps more confusing than it needed to be. Allow me to simplify.

I need. A rock.

The toxins from the atmosphere are well out of my system by now, so I can’t really put it off any longer. I found a torch in a storage panel behind me, but hopefully I won’t have to use it. I’ll turn on the lights on the ship and hopefully find a rock there. Don’t really want to go stumbling around in the dark.


Outside. It’s pretty cold out here without the sun. Now where’s that rock I threw away yesterday?


Damn it, it’s not here. 20 minutes left. Better get the torch.


Here rock, rock, rock.


Did I really just say that?


Found one! Pretty tiny, but I’m done out here. It’ll have to do, NASA.

Now to head back to the ship.


Only question is, which way is that? Really shouldn’t have turned the lights off when I left.


No, no, no, I can’t be lost out here! Ten minutes of safe time left. Which way was it?


I think my shin just found the hill. Ow.


Brilliant! There’s the reflection. I’m close.

Ok, got to hurry now. Only five minutes of safe time left.


I can see the ship! It’s a little bit away, but I should get there in time. Good thing I saw the reflection or I’d have never found it in the dark.


Wait. How can I have seen the reflection if it’s night time?

What is going on? It was just there a moment ago.

This is weird. I’ve got to get back to the ship.


Back, with seconds to spare. Inside.


Dear NASA. I have your rock for you. I promise I will not draw a face on it.

Come and get me. NOW.


NASA haven’t even launched the ship yet! And when they do it’ll take at least a month to get here. Crap.


I just saw the reflection. It’s moving.


And now it’s right outside the ship.

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