Wednesday, May 20, 2015

195th Entry

May 9th, 2037


Dear Space Diary

It’s time.

“Are you ready?”

I was born ready.

“Actually –“

I was having a moment.

“Sorry. Continue.”

…That was the moment.


Are you ready?

“I’m as ready as a thing that is extremely ready.”

That’s less moving.

“But more accurate.”

3.0, are you ready?

“Hang on, give me a moment.”

“What needs doing?”

“I’m trying to come up with something cool to say about being ready.”

…You’re ready. Let’s go.

“No fair!”


“Hold up. I think I see something.”

Do you think it’s -?

“Looks like it. Definitely not part of the ship.”

Why would they do that?

“Calling our bluff? We’re not going without you, or you’ll die?”

You have to admit it’s a compelling argument.

“What are you two whispering about?”


“3.0, we’re on a stealth mission, remember?”

“I would if you actually told me. You two have been ignoring me for the last five minutes.”

“We were being stealthy.”

“What and three people can’t be stealthy?”

“Actually –“

Please. Both of you.



Since you ask, we were discussing the front of the spaceship over there that has impaled itself through our spaceship.

“Oh. I thought that was a cupboard.”

It’s not a cupboard.

“Why would they even design a ship to do that? Emergency connection with a space station? Highly exciting space battles?”

Only if they were happy with damaging the space station beyond repair. And NASA doesn’t actually fight a lot of exciting space battles. Or any space battles at all.

“So what did they design this for?”

Well, for us.

“You can’t be serious.”

I don’t recall seeing it on the books or prototypes before I left. And there’s no reason to build it except to do what it’s currently, well, doing. That is a custom, one of a kind space ship, designed with the express purpose of intercepting and crippling our space ship.

“Wow. We’re famous.”

They must really want you guys back.

“Wait. So when that ship leaves…”

“It’ll leave a gaping hole in the side of our ship. Depressurising it and expelling oxygen, supplies, and us.”

“I really hate NASA.”

Feeling is mutual.

“How do you know so much about NASA’s prototypes?”

I was in construction and maintenance before I was volunteered as a test pilot.

“Wow. You designed spaceships?”

Well, built them.


Yes! Look it was nothing high-end, just the construction side of things.

“Ah. You were a grease-monkey.”

Not a lot of grease on space ships. I was a screw-monkey.

“Please never say screw-monkey again.”

“So what’s the plan?”

You and 3.0 wait here while I try and get on board.

“Ok… but be quiet!”

The gravity is off, remember? I can just float over, without a sound. Just wait here, I’ll be back soon.

“Good luck!”

“Go for it.”


“What was that?”

“Don’t worry.”


“From the sound of it’s just the auto-repair system.”

“Hey –“


“Gravity’s back on.”

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